BUMPDATE: 31 weeks
Baby is about 41cm long, and weighs about 1.5kg this week! |
It's getting harder to do the fruit/veg thing every week - different websites/apps do different ones?! I settled on pineapple instead of courgette or coconut this week. Mainly because the coconuts in Asda were the size of oranges and not very representative of an actual normal coconut... But I think the pineapple is a bit OTT.
This week is starting to make me feel really, really big. I am struggling to bend down or even squat. Everything is a chore, from putting on your pants to walking to the water dispenser from your desk. And lets not talk about trying to clean yourself up when you are on the toilet...
So what's happening this week? A month ago I stupidly decided I wanted to go for my promotion before I go on maternity leave, so I am studying like crazy to get to my interview next Tuesday. It's really hard, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but at the same time I am soooo determined... It's not ideal but I certainly intend to crash out and go into full baby mode after - as by that point I will only have 8 weeks left 😲
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