BUMPDATE: 24 weeks

This week, Baby is the size of a cantaloupe melon!
Me and The Husband attended an expectant parent's event at a well-known retail store at the weekend, have you ever been to one? It was good, there was decent freebies too, but the visit to Five Guys for a burger afterwards was better 😇 Anyone else majorly just want to eat burgers in pregnancy, like, all the time?..

This week I've been mostly feeling sore and both pelvic girdle pain and round ligament pain is getting on my nerves (literally). I'm rather irritable, so it's good the shops are already selling Cadbury's Mini Eggs to soothe the savage beast... I think Baby is having a growth spurt which is making everything stretch and hurt!

I have my 24wk midwife appointment on Thursday as well - I can't believe how the time flies!! I am wondering what gets discussed then; I've been led to believe they start to measure your fundal height so we shall see!
