BUMPDATE: 26 weeks

This week Baby is the size of a lettuce -
35.5cm long and weighing about 730g
This week we are going on a plane. Only going for a very short flight to London, but I am still quite nervous now that I have a baby on board... Which is odd as I've never been a nervous traveller before! Even though it's only for two days, we're probably going to call this our 'babymoon', as we are unlikely to be away again before Baby comes!

So what's 26 weeks like for me? It feels a bit that in between stage when you are not yet on the home stretch (30 weeks), yet definitely looking and feeling preggers enough to be big and cumbersome like a dinosaur... I have packed a six pack of scotch pancakes in my bag. The Husband said "Why, I'm sure they have food in London?!". He doesn't know about those moment when you HAVE to have food RIGHT NOW or you will either die or kill someone... So I packed pancakes. Is that just me, or do other pregnant ladies get those too?
